How to connect Whats App Group Video and Voice Call

 Whats App Group Video and Voice Call

 How to connect Whats App Group Video and Voice Call

Now you will able to make a Group Voice and Group Video Call from the Whats App.the feature has been available to all Whats App users. The First Glimpse of the Group Calling feature was the last year of October.after this Facebook announced officially about this feature in the F8 Developer Conference held in may The new feature of Whats App is available on ios and Android App for users around the world. Explain That at most four people can participate in  Group Calling claims that's on What's App user does 2 billion Minute Calling every day in such situation demand for the new feature calling feature was long

The facility of Video Call on Whats App is available from 2016. But only 2 people could take part in it. Now you can enjoy User Group Video Calling on Whats App ios and Android App. The company has given information that Whats App Group Calling will have the Maximum Number of people participating. Whats App claims that the new feature will be a good job even though having a Low Network. Like all chat in this Messaging App, Group Calling will also remain fully Encrypted.

For Group Call, you first have to start Video or Voice Call in Whats App. After this, you will see a Button on the Left in the Top. From here and the user can Connect to The Call. As soon as you Connect with someone in the call, you will see the option of Add Person on the Top. After this, if the Third User experiences your call then both of them will be seen with the name Comma. You will be able to connect up to four people during Group Video or Voice Call Keep in mind that using this feature

Compare to 50 people in Facebook Messenger can participate in Group Video Call, and its limit on Skype is 25. On the other hand, Snap chat has 16 and Apple Facetime has the facility to make 32 user part of Group Call.


Special points

 1.Whats on App Every day 2 billion Minute Calling

 2.Whats on App Every day 2 billion Minute Calling

 3. Video Calling facility on the Whats App is available from 2016

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