Wi-Fi Router is going to Buy, then Keep these Things Special

Wi-Fi Router is going to Buy, then Keep these Things Special

Wi-Fi Router is going to Buy, then Keep these Things Special

If you are using WIFI in your home, then it is possible that you will use a Free Router through your Internet Provider. This system is convenient for many people because they Avoid Setup and save Save Money and Time too.

But the problem starts here, sometimes the Network becomes Slow or there is No network in many parts of the house. But due to Lack of Information about the Router, you can not do much more.

Apart from this, people Avoid Buying Router from themselves. Because they do not know much about it or Available Information, their language is very Technical, which is like reading a Science Lecture.

Some people can compromise with Slow Network but most people expect better. According to their convenience, they want to use the Internet on the Internet's Speed and many systems with Network in every room of the house, so knowing this about Router becomes very important.

Even with the Internet and without too

The WIFI Router is primarily used to Share Internet Connection, but this is not the same Feature. Even if you do not have an Active Internet Connection, you can do this via your Smart Phone, Tablets, T.V and Computer Connect.

Most users need a Router to access the Internet on many Devices. your Internet Connection will be either Cable or ADSL. In the case of Cable Connection, you should ask your Internet Provider what kind of Connection you have. Generally, you will not need any other device except the Router. However, if you have DSL Connection and are BSNL, MTNL and AIR-TEL Service Connection, you will also need ADSL Modem with Router. In such circumstances, it would be better to buy an underlying Router with ADSL Modem. Although the Price of these Routers is slightly Higher the strength is such. 

By the way, you have Different types of Different Router available in the market but keep these things carefully before Purchasing.

Router's Wi-Fi Standard (802.11 a / b / g / n / ac)

First, you have to check that the Router supports the WIFI standard. Old Model supports 802.11 'B' or 'G' while the New Router also Supports 'N'. On the 802.11 N standard, you can Transfer the Speed Data of 600 MBPS (Mega Bits Per Second), though some 802.11 N Router's Download Speed is 300 MBPS (This means Per Second 37.5 MBPS MegaByte Download).

802.11ac is the Latest Standard. On this, you get a Transfer Speed of 1.3 GBPS. Well, a lot of Mobile Phone and Laptop 802.11 AC support. Apart from this, this Technique is quite Expensive compared to 802.11 N. Right now, you 'N' Standard Router Can rely on This is very Speed for India's Internet Connection and it is supported on all Devices. And with Saving Of Money

Router's Wireless Frequency (2.4GHz or 5GHz) Frequency of Router determines how powerful your Network is. The Router has 2 Main standards of two.4GHz and 5GHz. The main Difference between the 2 is the Barrier and the Boundary. Compared to the 2.5 GHz Router, the Network 5GHz gets better in the Standard Router, but its Price is also High. If the Network Interface is not the main issue, then you buy a 2.5 GHz Router.          

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