How to make Doller100 a day with Google during the Coronavirus Outbreak

How to make Doller 100 a day with Google during the Coronavirus Outbreak

Oh, every People gets a mask just kidding guys to look it took me a little while to make this because truthfully I didn't know what I was gonna do it's kind of scary there are so many things happening that we've never really gone through that it's important to kind of take a step back and back okay how I'm gonna solve this fact I'm living down here in NewportBeach California and it was getting crazy and kind of psyched me out.

 I mean everyone's just going to the grocery store like buying everything and I'm like how am I gonna get my chicken how am I gonna get my protein and so I couldn't I was like okay look I cant deal with that so I literally packed everything in my little tiny car I have a coupe and I ate and it let me packed it in there and I drove all the way up to Arizona and now I'm here in my parent's place and me really I bought a desk and everything to film with and so it's been absolutely crazy no obviously this is not to add to the craziness but to actually give some clarity on what I'm doing in order to take my stores to $500 a day net profit even a thousand dollars a day in net profit. 

it's been now kind of hovering around that the last couple days and soI want to show you kind of all sides of the spectrum suppliers what we're doing about a packet what we have to do you know each stage how we're positioning the products what kind of products would you maybe want to look into so really this is actually a  more of like a blueprint of what to do right now to profit during these next couple months. but also in the future, so very packed  I'm excited so let's get into it all right guys. 

so this is packed, so I want to cover the different parts that we are covering all in one now the first part, is we're gonna be walking through products that are going to be perfect for not only this rising tide effect but also that is consistent beforehand so that way we have a long term business but we got a big boost almost like a q4 boost, in the beginning, the next thing is I'm going to go through almost like a live product walkthrough of products that I found that is it meets all the criteria Zinnspecifically my favorite product now part three is fulfillment strategy we're covering USA suppliers most likely we're not going to find too many USA suppliers so we're gonna have to go straight into Aliexpress but how are you going to approach this.

however, I'm not a big fan of Aliexpress I've always my pain tolerance is really low personally so I stick with leg stress for a little bit but what I do like is actually doing a VIP listing withAliexpress so it's the same thing you're still drop shipping you're still withAliexpress but the seller the supplier will actually make a little tiny listing for you so you can actually do upgraded shipping so this is how we can avoid all the issues with shipping now number four is a safe zone I'm going to be going over agents and then us fulfillment even if you have only five orders a day we can still do u.s. fulfillment company but different companies have different quotas so I'll be covering that as well so packed so let's actually start with part number one so the first one I want to show you are home gyms we want to be ethical when we're selling right.

now is not a time to just capitalize on fear and pain but we can be a little bit smarter and choose products that probably aren't sold out. already on like every single Alibaba and Aliexpresslisting so home gyms are perfect and this thing is going to take off we can see right now this is already catching a lot of trends and this is right. now people typing in home gyms but if we look beforehand we can see that this trend is very consistent so in this niche, I'm actually gonna walk you guys through a product but first let's go over the next one is survival gear this is a no brainer anything in this space is absolutely making a killing and what's great is it's also very consistent beforehand right now we see a huge spike very similar to home gyms almost anything in this space is going to give you traction this is perfect.

and this is very ethical I like this space as well the next one is air filters is another really good product that's actually selling really well right now is plug-in air filters ones that like almost like this UV light and it distills the air but another one is like portable air filters for your carbon of these are selling very well and you can see that despite I mean its trending. let me chew all these are going to be trending the next one is this is more of like a no-brainer, guys, baby thermometers, so there is the recent news that now China is kind of lifting the ban on a lot of products that were kind of limited like masks like you can't really sell masksChina, was like look we're gonna kind of limit how much mass we're gonna produce you couldn't sell thermometers and other really like heavily virus-based things well now they're lifting the ban on some of these things so there's a big supply of I mean all these products that are gonna make a killing however I'm not really suggesting you get into baby thermometers even though it's I mean it's really good.

Baby thermometers

I suggest looking at why this is doing really well and seeing if there's another similar product you can sell so that's just kind of like my advice this will do really well. if you really want to just go on Google I mean look if we're just selling it on Google where people are just typing in baby thermometer this is they already want it was not convincing them to get it they already want it and so if you want to just advertise it there why not have them buy from you know one of the other niches. I want to mention is indoor games you might not see a big spike right now but believe me it will start to trend up because people are gonna be with their families everyone will be indoors and eventually, people are gonna want to kind of do something fun together have these games so this is going to definitely trend and these are examples of niches.

so I wanted to go over examples of niches we're gonna go through a walkthrough but remember whit why are we choosing these niches. right now well it has consistent trend beforehand right but now we see a huge spike very important because we do not want like a fidget spinner style business we want to make sure that we just get a huge push of profitability but we also have that kind of rolling into next year and it's just amazing okay. so now we're gonna walk through a product and I'm gonna give you the criteria what you do if you're a beginner the price point the margin so the first thing I want to show you is the home gym space this is the space I personally like the most it's absolutely perfect and I want to go a little bit more niche than just general home gyms we need to have some kind of the focal point. and thenI'll show you kind of what I'm looking for as far as competition.


Home Gym

so now we're gonna go into doorjambs door gyms is perfect everyone has a door and one of the biggest complaints is hey well I don't have any time to work out or you know I don't have any space this is this literally knocks out every objection and now everyone has time and plus people that were already working out. beforehand are gonna be even in more pain because they'll be like well I'm gonna lose the progress that I already had at the gym I need to work out at home so this is going to be huge now if we keep on going I want to scroll through and I want to show you my favorite product and it's right here this is my favorite product I'm going to open it up and it's a crosscut cableDorjan and what's cool is that these guys only branded it for men this is a big mistake this needs to be branded for men and women it needs to be unisex you can use this like regardless of your gender there are so many different workouts you can use.


but what I like about this and the reason why I'm saying it is because in the future after this pandemic is done in a couple months this is still a really good brand and an opportunity so I really like this we have a big push beforehand and after hand, we can see that their landing page well in any page is not that great if I'm to go back a little bit I look at the landscape I like how it's not flooded with drop shippers it's not like the hearing aids it's not like the posture corrector this is not flooded with a ton of drop shippers and instead you know if I see a legit brand here and there and Amazon I'm very happy even if I see Amazon Best Buy anything like that it's not a problem if I see it flooded kind of with these spammy dropshipping listings and I'm gonna go and try to sell the exact same product or a different variation that is gonna be more of an uphill battle even though it can work it's not gonna work as well.

so this is a landscape that is absolutely perfect and it's just a perfect time to now once again we're gonna go back to the landing page like I said there's no selling but a good pricepoint I did a little research already you'll see that we can get this product for around $20 they're selling it for 90.we can sell it for the exact same price but just sell it better and that will do like incredible we have a 60 dollar profit margin get $30 cost per purchase like this is amazing especially if we utilize a bundle strategy where we can even bundle this with another product later down the line I mean it's gonna work really well and plus we can even actually sell multiple of these because maybe there will be two people in one household and wants to use these and they'll use it at the same time people don't really have a superrational way of buying.

I mean they kind of just buy on a whim so I want to quickly actually go into Aliexpress on where we would start and then I'm going to go through the walkthrough of fulfillment so we have a full section on this but I want to just walk through when I was looking on Aliexpress I noticed that there wasn't really a supergood product that was exactly like the doorjamb I'm looking at but this would have to do our goal right now is to quickly test on Aliexpress and then go ahead and move up a level.

now this will actually work I mean you could still put this on a door and you can still do all like the exercises and of course, it's men and women not bad and plus the price point is really good so we can start with a very low price point as far as you know forty or sixty dollars and if we're starting out as a beginner the price point in the price range I suggest that we start out with is anywhere from twenty-five dollars upwards of around eighty dollars just because your cost of goods will be lower your upfront costs will be lower and the people that are purchasing they won't have such a high expectancy of like hey I want this product to be perfect the higher ticket products you're gonna have a lot more problems than you didn't expect because higher ticket doesn't necessarily mean more profit lower ticket doesn't mean more profit either what means more profit is an opportunity. 

so the opportunity is exactly what we're looking for and remember this is a perfect storm everything is going up the trend is going up there's it's not flooded with drop shippers where we would just you know where our brand would get confused with another person's brand so it is absolutely perfect and I see like even these people are selling this one hundred fifty dollar like oh man I really like this space I mean if I was to fast forward a little bit this is the product that I would truly like to have from Alibabalike literally this is absolutely perfect I love how this looks if we can brand it with a man and a woman all in one package just make it unisex there's no reason why women can't use this either or we can do a product like this which is very similar to what the competitor absolutely love it and we can see we can get it for around $20 with this all covered now we need to deep dive into fulfillment.

so this is the exact gameplan that I'm using alright so step one is we need to see if maybe there will be u.s. supplier on Aliexpressmost likely there's not going to be but we are going to try our best to find and see if there's going to be US subs u.s.a supplier but most likely there won't know what we're going to end up doing is probably just drop shipping it from Ali express in the beginning we are going to use this as a lily pad we need to quickly drop ship it and then hop over to the next step so before we drop ship. what I want to do is actually message the supplier and here's the exact template that I'm using so hi I'm doing30 orders per day I would like to develop a relationship with a second supplier for this product due to the pandemic happening before I scale now we also ask five questions I can actually break down the psychology of all this.and why we're doing it.

so the first question is do you currently have stock for this item obviously very important second what is your processing time currently. so we're gonna ask them what their processing time is currently but we're also willing to cross-check and see like hey let's look at the last tracking numbers are you having major delays with a packet current now something to keep in mind as a packet is not dead but if you want to switch over to like standard shipping like Ali express standard shipping that's fine too you could still use a packet just fine. however, it varies with each supplier some suppliers are closer to one port with one shipping line and other suppliers are really good with a packet and maybe different suppliers are actually better with a different shipping line this is this has been going on forever.

but now it's more important to really understand hey which shipping line should I go with at least in the beginning and then what I would ask if we are gonna use a packet we need to ask them to say hey can you send me the last 10 tracking numbers that you have with a packet we want to check and see how long the shipping time is that will just give us all the answers that we really need and then the second thing we want to ask is hey have you ever used a service called the unexpressed or SFExpress can you give me a quote of this, please.

so SF Expressexpress our premium shipping lines that are really not that much more expensive but its shipping lines that not a lot of people like to use because everyone likes like paper-thin margins and they can't afford it. but when we brand our website when we do everything correctly when we use Google Ads we have a lot of margins so we can afford to do things like this it's only like a couple bucks more if you're selling a cheaper item so it's really beneficial and what I really like is Yeun Express brands your packaging meaning it looks like it's coming from the US you don't have to say and lie to every single customer saying it's coming from the US but they'll literally see it like oh it's coming from you know Chino California because it's called last-mile delivery.

so as it goes it gets transferred to USPS USPS puts an attracting label on top of the Chinese one literally covers it you can't even see it and then it gets delivered to the customer and they see it came from Chino California so that's like literally the way it works and you get to tracking numbers so you can actually save and wait and give the customer a tracking number only once it hits the US so it is really powerful it's what I use definitely during q4 and it helps a lot so it's faster and it brings your packaging and it will really avoid a lot of the concern when customers see a package come from China like oh my god am I gonna get the coronavirus from it that's not even a thing any way you can't like it doesn't carry on parcels it's been said that on multiple sites no it just doesn't.

so once they reply we want to then analyze the reply and see okay do we trust them does it seems like a lot of broken English and they're just kind of overpromising do they actually send us the pass tracking numbers or do they not even want to work with us and maybe they're out of stock right now and they're just not gonna reply to anyone unless they reply then I suggest you get them on skype or WhatsApp and that way you really can just they will reply faster there's just no point to communicate just on Aliexpress now another thing the reason why I mentioned you should say you're doing 30 orders per day you want them to take you somewhat serious and since you'relooking for a second supplier it'll kind of make sense as. 

if you're sending heyI'm only sending four orders per day I'm seeing how well this works out with our new relationship so you have you know it's just a really good system however what we are going to have to do is once we're like kind of scaling on aliexpress we're seeing like okay this looks promising we then immediately want to go into a VIPlisting with that supplier and this is almost like turning that supplier into an agent so a VIP listing is a private listing that that supplier puts on their store so they literally put a very secretive listing on their store lets just say you're selling the thermometer well they will put an image of like thumbtacks or something totally irrelevant but that is going to be your secret link to order from them and when you ask them for a VIP listing exactly what you're going to ask them is. 

hey, can you create a VIP listing for me I will place the orders through that link on your store but please ship all orders with Yeun Express so now you're gonna have upgraded shipping and every single time you go through the process of ordering normal. you know you're ordering normally even choose a packet oral express shipping now you're shipping with a very premium service and you'll be able to tell by the tracking number whether they're actually using you know you Express it's very powerful this actually really like to do VIPlistings are they're amazing now you can stay in this you know little range for however long you would like I would jump boats like literally and start and go into number four into the safe zone we need to either have an agent like a legitimate agent that we truly like trust unless we just trust the supply like it doesn't matter we either would need a new agent that has been doing this. 

for a while shipping with this premium service or we need a fulfillment company which truthfully nowI'm leaning more towards us fulfillment companies this is just going to wipe out all of your worries has already been an article saying that FedEx USPS all that they will not close down thank God even when you know the US gets worse it's just they won't close down even during like horn team. so if you guys are looking for an agent I am going to actually link the agent inside the private Facebook group the free one.

so if you're interested to join it the reason why is because I want to make sure people joining the group have like legit profiles. and so I have someone like really going through and making sure like this is not a spammer so that's whyI'm gonna link the agent in there because I don't want them to get a bunch of like spam requests alright now I want to actually covers fulfillment companies I've been able to be like 20% more profitable as soon as I use fulfillment companies. because I can offer order bumps or even like premium shipping but I charge a little bit more so, for example, some people will want two-day shipping or one-day shipping so if they cost you $12 for the two-day shipping you can charge around$19 and people will purchase it and that's just like literally free profit every single time or you can even offer order bumps one thing that I was working really well for me. 

I had a thing around like a 33 percent take rate which was absolutely insane I used I did what's called priority processing so priority processing basically says hey you know we're gonna put your order in the front of the line we're gonna process it. and ship it within 24 hours and so people absolutely love that and I would only charge around 295 for 395priority processing. and honestly, it cost me nothing because these companies would already ship within 24hours as far as a business day so anytime someone would choose it its free money and it's pure profit well. 

so many people were choosing it that it was insane it was super profitable and it actually it well paid for not even the fees that I was using for the fulfillment company but it helped my margin it allowed me to scale more and people were happier I was getting more return customers it was huge so I won't actually cover us fulfillment companies. I want to go over this one right here ship monk apparently you can actually even use them if you only have like 100 orders a month like this is ridiculous now. I will be honest there's a lot of fees like there's this fee that fee and it'll add up but if you use a strategy I mean it'll pay for everything but truthfully our goal is just to get these products out and to have a business rolling. I actually I don'tlike companies that charge a lot of fees but if you're not at 30 orders a day you're gonna have to use a company like this

if you are at 30 orders per day with one SKU this is a company that I suggest using they're called mint fulfill they will work with you if you have 30orders per day of one SKU now you obviously have to contact them and make sure that they have enough space for another client if you can't use mintfulfill there's also a dollar fulfillment is actually really really good onboarding process. is super simple it takes about a day to get set up then link it directly into your Shopify account you don't have to do anything you have pretty much an Account have it on skype and you guys can go back and forth if there are any issues returns it's just it's really good so for our 30 artists today mint fulfill or dollar fulfillment amazing option if you're not then you would have to look into a service like this.

but regardless remember what is our goal well we want to get these products out we to want to be safe and there are a ton of people that are going to be buying like we're gonna have just fine of margins so we need to either choose this company or a different company that you like their ship monk their ship Bobthere's probably 20 other companies but if you have high volume then do the ones that I mentioned previously. now I actually want to answer a couple questions got it actually via Instagram and some of the questions was like hey you know should I sell a low-ticket product right now a high ticket product or does it have to be a necessity product and truthfully it doesn't necessarily matter if it's a low ticket or high ticket right it matters.

if it's opportunistic it will get bought it just will if it's a good opportunity their good demand but if you have an existing brand already you're gonna have to figure out a way to position it to be like you know if someone is bored at home or maybe they can take care of himself more than now is the perfect time to kind of do self-development or personal care or whatever like there are different ways to position your brand so that way it fits in with what is already top of mind which is everything that's going on right now so that was one question another one is like hey does the corona fire stick on the parcels when they're coming from China I mean I'm not a coronavirus expert I'm an expert one-commerce and solving a lot of problems.

so, as far as I know, no like there's a ton of articles already saying like the virus does not like a stick on parcels when it comes like even on DHL like within five or seven days the virus is done like you can't survive without an alive host it's as far as I know and now look the last thing I want to say is we have an option right now of either we can use this opportunity to just say heyI'm just gonna sit back and learn and all that good stuff or we can take action and really get our hands dirty there is really there's not like too much risk, in my opinion, the thing is is that there'sonly a lot of risk when we don't have a lot of awareness and clarity when we kind of know what the plan of action is with all the problems that we are scared of then we're already doing pre-emotive things too.

 make sure that those issues don't come up, of course, there will be other issues that happen but the benefit is going to outweigh the loss and so I'm trying to be as helpful as I can and I'm more importantly I'm just trying to show you guys what is working like this isn't theory this is actually working right now so anyway this is what I can give you guys right now I hope you enjoyed it and if you did go ahead smash the like button so that way YouTube will promote this demonetized since I mentioned virus a bunch of times and then go ahead and subscribe and I'll see you guys very soon in the next one.

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