Top 10 Free Website to learn to code for free
if you've ever wanted to learn how to code to create computer software apps or websites there are tons of places on the internet that will teach you the skills you need to get started and many of them.
so I'll go up here and change hello - hello world and
then select run tests when that's done select go to my next challenge Cntl+Enter.
Odin project which is created by the Viking code school focuses primarily on web development they'll teach you the skills you need for web development in alogical order from simple scripts all the way up to fully functional websites along the way you'll end up learning.
3.Codin Game
CodinGame which was recently featured in our useful website series is a great way to improve your programming skills in a cool and entertaining way with more than 25 languages to choose from you'rebound to find the programming skill that you want to learn you can also participate in international online programming contests and play multiplayer programming games with others when you start out with CodinGame. you'll have a tutorial that will get you more familiar with the coding environment.
upskill is one I would bet most of you have never heard of in fact I just found out about them recently they offer a comprehensive list of courses for web development with new content being added monthly their style of teaching is done in a conversational way to make you feel like you're learning from a friend the essential web developer course which they also call their
5.w3 Schools
are schools created in 1998 is one of the oldest and more popular websites in this post with more than 10 million visitors each month here you can learn
another one that's been around for a long time that most of you should know is Khan Academy known for having content on subjects from math to economics along with other subjects they also offer beginner courses in computer programming for
next, up is a learning site from general assembly called - this is another website focused on teaching you web development in
so low learn is one of the better organized and structured sites to learn coding it's very similar to another website that many of you are familiar with called code Academy unlike code Academy solo learn is completely free none of their features are locked behind a paywall they offer tutorials for 12 programming disciplines including
if you've ever wanted to learn how to code to create computer software apps or websites there are tons of places on the internet that will teach you the skills you need to get started and many of them.
are free in this post I'll show you ten of the best free coding websites where you can learn how to code this post.
will primarily focus on the top websites or beginners in no particular order to learn the absolute basics of programming coming up on tech gumbo first up is.
1. Free Coding
free code camp the site has an interactive earning platform designed to make learning web development accessible to anyone there are several skills to choose from including html5 css3 javascript along with many others. if you ever need assistance they have an active forum where you can get help from other coders.we need to begin a lesson on free code camp you just read and follow the instructions.on the left side of the screen so if I scroll down this page it says here in the final paragraph to pass the test on this challenge change your
For Example1
so I'll go up here and change hello - hello world and
then select run tests when that's done select go to my next challenge Cntl+Enter.
2.The Odin Project
Odin project which is created by the Viking code school focuses primarily on web development they'll teach you the skills you need for web development in alogical order from simple scripts all the way up to fully functional websites along the way you'll end up learning.
Ruby on Rails JavaScript jQuery and more
on the Odin project, it's usually best to follow the courses and order starting at the top with web development 101 which has 36 lessons.
3.Codin Game
upskill is one I would bet most of you have never heard of in fact I just found out about them recently they offer a comprehensive list of courses for web development with new content being added monthly their style of teaching is done in a conversational way to make you feel like you're learning from a friend the essential web developer course which they also call their
Boot Camp covers full-stack web
development the intent of the boot camp is to take you from a beginner to an advanced web developer that can perform just about every task in the development process upskill currently offers more than 145 lessons to learn HTML CSS.
5.w3 Schools
are schools created in 1998 is one of the oldest and more popular websites in this post with more than 10 million visitors each month here you can learn
and many others also offer a wide selection of free responsive HTML templates to begin just select a tutorial on the left then just read and follow the instructions.
6.Khan Academy
another one that's been around for a long time that most of you should know is Khan Academy known for having content on subjects from math to economics along with other subjects they also offer beginner courses in computer programming for
JavaScript HTML CSS and SQL
they also offer advanced courses as well just like many of the sites already mentioned the tutorials on Khan Academy follow a similar format.
next, up is a learning site from general assembly called - this is another website focused on teaching you web development in
HTML CSS and JavaScript through a series of projects
the projects include building a personal website blog theme small business website CSS robot and mad libs game when you begin a project on Dash you're presented with slides in the upper left hat you click through the editors below that with the output to the right.
so low learn is one of the better organized and structured sites to learn coding it's very similar to another website that many of you are familiar with called code Academy unlike code Academy solo learn is completely free none of their features are locked behind a paywall they offer tutorials for 12 programming disciplines including
C++ Python Ruby,PHP CSS
and many others one of the best things about solo learn is that your progress can also be synced with their Android and iOS app so you can always pick up from where you left off.
EDX is a nonprofit organization created by MIT and Harvard University now with more than 70 schools and organizations offering free courses on the EDX website they now offer more than 1,200 courses in just about any subject that you can think of you can browse the selection of courses in their Computer Sciences category but sometimes on the EDX website it's easier to find what you're looking for by doing a search in this example I did a search for Python in the left pane to find the beginner courses you can refine your search by going down the page to the level category and selecting introductory now you should.
10.Codec Academy
only see the beginner courses for that subject code Academy is a freemium interactive platform that offers coding courses in more than twelve different programming languages the courses offered include HTML CSS Python and many others they do offer one of the better-looking user interfaces with the instructions on the left the editor in the middle with the output to the right if you want additional features code Kadim e pro is $19.99 per month and code Khadem e pro intensive starts at $199 but for most of you their free version will be all that you need
Thanks for reading all the links are below in the post. if you like don't miss the Share.